I went to high school with Sole and she is soooo great at watercolors, which is something i haven't been able to tackle just yet. they are so different than acryllic or oils, and i admire her for being able to utilize them as well as she does. They are so crisp, yet so soft. she is selling her artwork, so if you are interested, leave me a comment and we can discuss it more!!!
here is one good reason why we can't cut funding for the arts and music-- take a look at the passion radiating from these 4th and th graders. i started to tear listening to it... the whole thing. it just saddens me that the government wants to take this away. ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT!!!
"A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing." -William Dobel